A New Era of Power Production: KMTG’s First and Long-standing Client Placer County Water Agency Signs New Power Sales Agreement

KMTG commends Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) on the signing of the new Power Sales Agreement, which covers the electricity generated from the Agency's Middle Fork American River Project.  The new contract takes effect May 1, 2013 following the expiration of the original 50 year power sale contract set to expire on April 30, 2013.

KMTG attorney Ed Tiedemann, who has provided legal counsel for PCWA for the past 50 years was present back in 1963 when the first Middle Fork contract was signed with Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), and was in attendance almost 50 years later for the signing of the new contract.

"Gosh, that 50 years sure went fast," said Tiedemann, who still provides legal service to PCWA.

The Middle Fork Project, which is fully owned and operated by PCWA, was designed and built in the early 1960s to provide a sustainable and reliable supply of water for the lands and inhabitants of Placer County and, secondly, to generate revenue from the sale of the project's electrical energy.  Today, the Project boasts five (5) hydroelectric power plants, 342,500 acre-feet of water storage, an average annual energy production of 1 billion kilowatt-hours, and provides boating, picnicking and camping at its reservoirs.  More information about PCWA and the Middle Fork Project.